Careers update – January 2025

Year 10 Work Experience
We are delighted to be introducing a week of work experience for Year 10 students in June 2025. This will be a brilliant opportunity to develop a range of skills and experiences to use in the future for job interviews, apprenticeship selection days and university applications. The work experience placement dates are as follows:
Monday 30 June – Friday 4 July 2025.
Students will attend their work experience placement instead of attending school for that week. We are currently encouraging all students to find their own placement in a job or company that interests them. This may be through friends and family contacts or going out and finding an employer in the industry they would like to work in.
All students have been added to a school Google Classroom that has all the forms, covering letters and other resources required.
Unifrog is our complete careers platform with an enormous amount of information about GCSE options, Post-16 courses, jobs and industries, university courses, apprenticeships and much more. We have a special parent code that parents can use to see the platform as if they were a student. Visit:
Parent code: GRHSPARENTS
All students in Year 8 – 13 have been set up on Unifrog and can access their account by visiting and using their Unifrog login details. If they haven’t logged in before or have forgotten a password, they can simply click on the ‘forgot password / resend welcome email’ link and then check their school email.
Parent feedback questionnaire
We are always looking for ways to develop our careers programme and would be grateful if parents can complete a short 3 minute survey to help us plan future events: