Remote learning resources
You can find tips and resources for remote learning on our website.
The subject-specific resources offer a range of websites that students can use to run alongside lessons and tasks set on Google Classroom.
These subject-specific resources are attached below.
There are additional websites and resources on the E-Learning sections of our website - you can find the Lower School section for Year 7 and 8 here which offers access to an online library as well as subject-specific sites.
The Upper School section of our website has an E-Learning page with links to the excellent GCSEPod alongside Kerboodle, an online library and two maths websites.
You can also find a letter to parents and carers explaining how to access remote learning using an Xbox or Playstation. While this isn’t necessarily ideal, using an Xbox or Playstation to access remote education may be helpful especially where your children are sharing devices.
This letter is attached below.