Stem4 Youth Mental Health
As a school we strive to ensure that our student and staff have a happy and healthy environment to work in. This can only be possible if we are able to recognise challeneges and provide the necessary interventions to help overcome said challenges. This year we would like to introduce the school community to Stem4.
Stem4 is a charity that promotes positive mental health in teenagers and those who support them including their families and carers, education professionals, as well as school nurses and GPs through the provision of mental health education, resilience strategies and early intervention.
This is primarily provided digitally through our innovative education programme, pioneering mental health apps, clinically informed website and mental health conferences that contribute to helping young people and those around them flourish.
Stem4 was founded by Dr Nihara Krause, who is an award-winning Consultant Clinical Psychologist, with many years of clinical experience. Having worked as an NHS Consultant, she now runs her own private practice and is also a University lecturer.
Stem4 is a charity that promotes positive mental health in teenagers and those who support them by:
- Raise early awareness and highlight the importance of early intervention in teenage mental health issues – taking steps to help stem problems at an early stage
- Educate through interactive conferences for schools, digital tools such as the Head Ed programme and through our comprehensive website
- Encourage debate and shared information through a programme of conferences targeting students, parents/carers, education professionals, school nurses and GPs
- Provide self-help through our mental health app library, website and booklets
Every year Stem4 celebrates Youth Mental Health Day, and this year’s focus is #BeingBrave