Post 16
It is a busy - and exciting - time in the world of Post 16.
November is the month of assessments and UCAS (university applications).
Year 12 students sat their in-class assessments three weeks ago and, early next week, parents will receive these interim reports home which will detail students’ attitude to learning in each subject as well as indicating what A-Level/ BTEC grade they are currently working at. Their next set of mock exams will commence on 3rd February.
Year 13 students have just sat their in-class assessments this week. The feedback that they will receive over the next few weeks will help tailor their revision over the Christmas break so that they are fully prepared for their full set of mocks (starting 13th January) or their public BTEC examinations (throughout January).
It is crucial that all Post 16 students use the Christmas break to revise and prepare for their assessment periods when we return. This is particularly important for all year 13 students.
We are incredibly proud of the 160+ year 13s that have sent off their university applications. All remaining students must send their applications off by Friday 6th December so that they can focus on - and devote their full energy - to their studies.
Please note that all Post 16 students break up from school on Wednesday 18th December at 3pm (this is half a day before the rest of the school who break up at midday on Thursday 19th December).
The Post 16 team would like to thank all of our families for supporting us in making this a very positive first term.
Mr Lewis
Assistant Headteacher - Post 16